Dundee Tunnel Research (DTR)
DTR specialises in issues related to the operation of road and rail tunnels. It has particular expertise in tunnel aerodynamics and ventilation and its sofware has been used in the design of numerous tunnels around the world, including most of the long rail tunnels designed in the past 30 years.
DTR’s services include:
- software licensing
- design consultancy
- research
- promotion of tunnel safety
DTR’s best-known software is the rail tunnel simulation program ThermoTun. A companion package for road tunnels - RoadTun - has also been supplied in the past.
ThermoTun can be used over the internet to perform calculations based on a selection of pre-built tunnel configurations. See ThermoTun-Online.
Consultancy and Research
Consultancy is offered on an as-required basis. It is DTR’s policy to redirect enquirers to other providers of consultancy services or software when this would be expected to lead to a better result for the client.
Research is undertaken through the University of Dundee. One important theme is research that furthers understanding of unsteady flows in tunnels. Projects embrace both theoretical and physical modelling, including field testing such as flow measurements in a tunnel airshaft in Switzerland in October 2004.
DTR makes an important contribution to tunnel safety through the organisation of conferences. It co-sponsored (with ITC Ltd) all five of the influential series of international conferences on Safety in Road & Rail Tunnels and it has chaired the Technical Committees for these events. It also chaired the Technical Committees for two ITC international conferences on Tunnel Control and Communication and three of the BHR Group’s international symposia on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels.
Conferences to which it is contributing in 2024 include:
- 20th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation and Fire in
https://isavft.co.uk/event/isavft-2024/ - 12th International Conference on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation