This page contains train pressure data for the following Southbound train runs:
Train Run Number | Speed (km/h) | Data File |
35338 | 163.5 | 35338-z001-p.dat |
35340 | 202.0 | 35340-z004-p.dat |
35352 | 202.0 | 35352-z006-p.dat |
35358 | 198 | 35358-z008-p.dat |
The data files can be viewed in a text editor and can be downloaded from
Notes about these measurements have been included on the train pressure data page.
The following example graphs have been produced from data file 35340-z004-p.dat.
For both directions of travel, the pressure histories include passage through two tunnels. One is Emmerquerung Tunnel. The other is a short tunnel further south. In the southbound run 35340 the train enters the two tunnels at approximately 533s and 570s.